Business expertise in marketing, finance, strategic planning, technology, and other areas is critical to nonprofit arts organizations. Through these hands-on workshops and Q&A panels, ABC/NY develops arts and business capacity.
Management Workshop Series
Looking to build skills in finance, fundraising, research, technology, and more? ABC/NYs workshops put business tools in arts hands. For 2007, the focus will be on nonprofit arts board developmentwith sessions for staff and for current and prospective board members.
Marketing Workshops
Branding. Sponsorship. E-Communication. Research. Diversification. Whether youre looking to start with the basics or add to your marketing tool box, these workshops help build new audiences and nail down new sources of income. The National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP)sponsored by American Expressoperates nationally and in New York, where you can take advantage of at least a dozen learning opportunities in our upcoming series.