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Con Edison's Free Energy-Saving Resources


Con Edison supports ABC/NY and our Multicultural Arts Management Internship program as well as many of New York City’s individual arts institutions.  Your organization may be eligible for another kind of support from Con Ed:  a free energy survey and free installed efficiency measures that can help lower your energy costs.  Find out more about their small business energy efficiency program here, visit, or call Con Edison’s contractor at 1-888-WILLDAN (1-).

Save the Arts in YOUR Community!


Save the Arts in my Community

Join the statewide campaign to restore arts funding from the proposed 40% cut. There are lots of ways you can participate – find out more





Governor Paterson has proposed a budget that includes a 40 percent cut to NYSCA local assistance (grantmaking) funding for 2010-2011. This would reduce New York state's per capita spending on the arts from $2.48 to 77 cents, putting us at 26th in the nation, ranking just above Arkansas at 74 cents per capita and below the national average of 90 cents per capita. It's easy and quick to let your representatives know how you feel about this issue!

Take two minutes to send your e-mail message.

The NYS ARTS advocacy center will automatically send the message to your legislators and to the leaders in both houses. 

Please add your own story to the message. Just insert a short paragraph. 

  • Make it personal; Make it poignant; Make it persuasive.
  • Make it urgent.

You can also go to , , and tell your stories there, and make comments on your own Facebook page.



2-for-1 at 7 NYC Museums!


Until May 31, 2010, museum-goers receive two-for-one admission to seven New York City museums with the Museum Discovery Pass. This free pass is available at each museum’s website and at NYC & Co.’s Information Centers and website.

Offers Discounted Visits to Seven New York City Museums

What:  Museum Discovery Pass – two-for-one admission at select New York City museums
When: March 1 – May 31, 2010
Info:    The Museum Discovery Pass encourages museum-goers, tourists, and locals to visit smaller, more specialized museums.

Where to use it: The Museum Discovery Pass is redeemable for unlimited two-for-one admission at the following museums:

American Folk Art Museum (
Asia Society Museum (
Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art (
Museum of Chinese in America (
The Noguchi Museum (
Rubin Museum of Art (
The Studio Museum in Harlem (

How to get it: The wallet-sized pass is printable from each museum’s website (example: and available at NYC & Company’s Official NYC Information Centers and on

Questions: Please contact Alanna Schindewolf, Rubin Museum of Art, at Aschindewolf [at] rmanyc [dot] org or x335.


Free Workshop - Relocation and Expansion


ABC/NY, Seedco Financial, and the Brooklyn Arts Council invite you to a free workshop on Relocation and Expansion of Worksites: Purchasing Real Estate/Major Capital Renovations, Tuesday, May 11, 2010 from 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. at the Center for Performance Research, 361 Manhattan Avenue in Brooklyn.

This roundtable will help arts organizations and other small business owners learn the “Do's” and “Don'ts” of real estate renovation from experienced property owners and consultants. Attendees will learn basic steps to minimize their risk before starting a relocation or expansion venture. This event is free, but seating is limited. For more information and to R.S.V.P., please call or e-mail internkh [at] seedco [dot] org.

This presentation is sponsored by Trinity Wall Street. The program is also supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.

Welcome, Target!


Since 1946, Target has given fiver percent of its income to support education, the arts, social services, and volunteerism. Today that equals more than $3 million every week. In NYC, Target supports arts organizations including Alvin Ailey, El Museo del Barrio, Harlem Stage, the Museum of Chinese in America, MoMA (Target Fridays!), Wave Hill—and now ABC/NY. 

Other NYC arts organizations supported by Target include Carnegie Hall, the Children’s Museum of Manhattan, the High Line, Lincoln Center, the New York Philharmonic, and the Studio Museum in Harlem. Target understands that the arts have the power to bring communities together and help people see the world from different perspectives. ABC/NY is honored by their support and looks forward to welcoming Target at this year’s Encore Awards! 

ABC/NY in Fast Company


A recent article in The New York Times referred to board membership as a “luxury item” for some, both expensive and hard to get. Fast Company blogger Alice Korngold cited ABC/NY in telling the rest of the story: Ninety-six percent of arts nonprofits have budgets under $10 million, have more modest "give-or-gets," are eager for new members...and ABC/NY can make the introduction.

Interested in finding a board member? Interested in being a board member? Find out more at, or contact Fran Smyth at fsmyth [at] artsandbusiness-ny [dot] org.

NY Transit Museum Opens Renovated Gallery Annex and Store


The New York Transit Museum has opened its newly renovated Gallery Annex and Store at Grand Central Terminal. Proposals for the redesign of the store were submitted by 10 students from the Fashion Institute of Technology's (FIT) graduate program in exhibition design and were displayed at the Museum’s Grand Central Gallery. A committee of FIT and museum staff ultimately selected the winning designer: Cuong Nguyen, whose bright, clean design evokes a line of brand new subway cars ready to take off from Coney Island Yard. Images of the New York Transit Museum Store are available here.

The Transit Museum’s Manager of Retail and Product Development Gail Goldberg (an alumna of ABC/NY's Arts Leadership Institute!), has overseen the stores’ performance, raising profits and volume each year, even while other retail businesses have suffered in a shifting economy. Goldberg, having held executive positions at Liz Claiborne, Henri Bendel, and Filene’s, wanted to apply her considerable skills to the nonprofit world. At the Transit Museum, she has parlayed her business savvy into an analytic formula that reacts to customer wants and trends. When jewelry is selling, the store responds quickly with new designs. When the economy turned sour and grown-ups were buying only for kids, the stores were stocked with toys and model trains. And since the subway is as powerful a symbol of New York as the Statue of Liberty, products with the subway marks are always in style and often top picks for holiday gift and tourist guides. 

“Having visited museums since childhood and become a member of several as an adult, I recognized an opportunity to utilize my skills in merchandising and product development in support of something that has influenced me throughout my life.  It’s a way for me to give back—in a much more significant way than a monetary donation,” Goldberg said.  New products available when the store reopened included bus and subway nightlights, rubber rain boots with the subway route symbols, subway map flipflops and beach towels, and baby onesies with images from the 1950’s “Subway Sun” series.

The New York Transit Museum’s Annex & Store is located in Grand Central Terminal next to the Station Master’s Office. The Annex is open Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. / Saturday & Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Admission to the Annex is free. For additional information the public may call or log on to

Volunteers Needed for Puppetry Arts


Puppetry Arts is looking for volunteers for several upcoming events—no strings attached! For more information or to sign up, contact .

Saturday March 27, 12:00–5:00 p.m. 
Storage Party!
Help us prepare for the next few large community events by organizing all of the supplies! We need volunteers good with organization that can stick around for the entire shift. Lunch will be provided. Volunteers available to assist with prep for the upcoming carnivals can either meet at our Park Slope office and go with us OR meet at the facility itself.
11:00 a.m.: Meet at Puppetry Arts office, 339 2nd St 1R at 5th Ave., Park Slope, Brooklyn (R train to Union St.)
12:00 p.m.: Meet at Moishe's Storage at 22 Grand Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205

Friday April 23, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Gift Bag Prep for Family Festival
We need to fill the 200 gift bags that will be given out the next day. Dinner provided. Eight volunteers needed. Shout out to the NYU students for this!
Puppetry Arts office, 339 2nd St 1R at 5th Avenue Park Slope (R train to Union St) 

Saturday April 24, 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 
5th Avenue Family Festival

(See poster at
Huge family carnival with crafts, games, prizes!
Volunteer Shifts:
7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Set Up
11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Event
3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - Breakdown
This event is just like Halloween Carnival, without the Haunted House. Its important that we have people for all shifts. Seeking 100 volunteers for the day. Lunch will be provided. Teens/Youth Groups, Corporate, and Individuals welcome!
Old Stone House Park/4th St. and 5th Ave., Park Slope, Brooklyn

Saturday May 8
PS 15 Spring Festival

Red Hook, Brooklyn
Details TBD.

Free Forum to Build Support for Neighborhood Theater and Dance Companies


Local Arts, Collective Strength: A Forum to Build Support for Our Neighborhood Theaters and Dance Companies
The arts vitalize and enrich our local communities. The performing arts—theater and dance especially—have made the neighborhoods of Tribeca, SoHo, NoHo, the West Village, Greenwich Village, and the East Village highly sought after places to live and visit. Due to the current economy, our theaters and dance companies are struggling to keep their doors open. The shuttering of these local cultural institutions would be a tremendous loss to our communities. Join us for a panel discussion on how to build partnerships among small theaters and dance companies, local communities, and resident audiences.  Have a burning question you'd like addressed? Got an idea you'd like to share?


  • Peggy Coleman of Battery Dance Company will talk about the arts and business collaboration called "Walk on White Street," located in Tribeca
  • Tamara Greenfield of Fourth Arts Block (FAB) will discuss the initiatives they have undertaken to promote the arts and businesses in the East 4th Street Cultural District
  • Julie Menin, Chair of Community Board 1, will discuss how community boards and performing arts organizations can work together
  • Will Maitland Weiss, Executive Director of the Arts and Business Council of New York, will talk about arts and business partnerships

DATE: Thursday, April 15, 2010
TIME: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Dance New Amsterdam, 280 Broadway, 2nd Floor (entrance on Chambers St.), New York, NY
CONTACT: Molly HyoJung Bidol at or

106 Reasons to Feel Good About the Future of the Arts


ABC/NY has received a record-high 106 applications to its Multicultural Arts Management Internship program. These 106 undergraduate students from Ann Arbor to Winston-Salem are vying for 11 internship positions to learn the business of the arts at nonprofits throughout NYC this summer.

Lead funding for this program is provided by Con Edison. Additional funding is provided by the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency, and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.

Want to find out more about internship and career opportunities? Go to

Federal Student Loan Forgiveness


Through the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, Congress created the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program to encourage individuals to enter and continue to work full-time in public service jobs—and that includes jobs at nonprofits! Under this program, borrowers may qualify for forgiveness of the remaining balance due on their eligible federal student loans after they have made 120 payments on those loans under certain repayment plans.  For more information, go to

Things We Like


  1. Tom Cott’s insightful blog You’ve Cott Mail.
  2. Which led us to this great YCM post from The Field’s executive director Jennifer Wright Cook:
    Trendwatching: A 'pop-up' school for artists that operates on the barter system
    If you haven't heard of Trade School yet, you should!  It's a brilliant pop up store for bartering! Artists and those who love artists.  A limited run til the end o' February, get in on it now.  I am going this Saturday to barter my dance moves for Swing Dancing lessons! The diverse class offerings include the aforementioned dance lessons, business help for artists on grantwriting and PR skills, as well as my personal favorite, ‘Hackintoshing,’ which shows how to take just about any PC computer hardware and turn it into a Mac cheaply (and legally). 

Click here to read an interview with Caroline Woolard, a co-founder of the OurGoods project which has organized Trade School, to find out more about how this idea evolved.
Take a class every night with a range of specialized teachers in exchange for basic items and services. Secure a spot in a Trade School class by meeting one of the teacher’s barter needs.  Come for classes, co-working, and bartering at GrandOpening's Lower East Side storefront, now through February 28, 2010. Read summaries of past classes at the OurGoods blog and view OurGoods photos on Flickr.

139 Norfolk Street
New York, NY 10002

NYC:State of the Art


New York’s artists struggle constantly to live, work, show, and sell. Artists, arts leaders, notable paNYC State of the Art 2010 logonelists (including ABC/NY executive director Will Maitland Weiss and a host of other luminaries), and YOU will address solutions at NYC:State Of The Art, New York’s first-ever artist and art industry not-for-profit conference. Have an idea or question? Want to let an artist attend? pARTicipate!

NYC:State Of The Art
Saturday, March 6, 2010
9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
SVA Theater
333 W. 23rd Street

The Art of Money: Personal Finance Resources for Artists


The Art of Money!  No, it's not an art installation - it's a personal finance event specifically designed for artists, arts administrators, and independent workers from all disciplines that will offer financial workshops and counseling designed to help individuals from the creative sector assess their personal financial status and determine their financial needs.  Organized by the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs in conjunction with the Department of Consumer Affairs Office of Financial Empowerment, The Art of Money: Personal Finance Resources for Artists will take place on March 6, 2010 from Noon - 5PM at the Dwyer Cultural Center in Harlem (123rd Street @ St. Nicholas Avenue).  Participants will be able to:

  • Learn how to access and use credit, reduce existing debt, and plan for the highs and low of irregular income at one of our group workshops; 
  • Sign up for a free, confidential, one-on-one consultation with a financial counselor who can help them manage credit and debt and provide strategic referrals to other public and private resources; 
  • Learn about tax services and refunds for which they may be eligible; 
  • Meet representatives from organizations that can help them access the services they need to support their work.

Crafts for kids will be available and consultations will be available in both English and Spanish.  For more information visit

Arts Advocacy Alert!


On January 19, New York Governor David Paterson released his proposed budget for 2010-11. Here is the bottom line on state arts funding:

  • Local assistance (grants) funding was cut $6.5 million or 15.5% to $35.150 million.
  • NYSCA Operations budget was cut $644,000 or 10% to $4.838 million, requiring a reorganization and reduction of the NYSCA workforce by 10 positions. 

Here is the link to the state budget if you want to review the text and the numbers for yourself. The State operations budget comes under the purview of the Governor and the Legislature does not play a role in determining that budget. The local assistance (grants) budget must be approved and/or changed by the Legislature.

What can you do?  Join NYS ARTS and hundreds of arts advocates for Arts Day 2010 on February 24 in Albany.  Explain and demonstrate how state funding for the arts revitalizes communities and how this investment contributes to the economy and vitality of the entire state.  For more information, go to


NYC is #1 with Tourists - and Deals!


More than 45 million visitors—and we know they come for the arts and culture. During a news conference on January 4, 2010, Mayor Bloomberg released the 2009 numbers along with 2010 tourism projections

Along with the release of the numbers, Mayor Bloomberg also highlighted NYC & Company’s winter NYC Restaurant Week (January 25 – February 7), and its NYC: The Real Deal program (January 4 – February 28), both with the potential to increase income at cultural venues.  



Emerging Leaders - Tell Us What You Need!


Emerging Leaders: Tell us what you need!

The Americans for the Arts Emerging Leader Council is asking all young arts professionals to take to help identify the current professional development needs and trends of emerging arts leaders by participating in this survey

Emerging Leaders of New York Arts (ELNYA), a program of ABC/NY, is one of dozens of local Emerging Leader networks across the country.  All of these local networks are joined nationally by the Americans for the Arts Emerging Leader Network which is coordinating this survey.  The information collected will help Americans for the Arts, Arts & Business Council, and ELNYA develop programs and resources to promote the growth, development, and sustenance of emerging arts professionals nationwide and here in New York. 

This survey should take about 15 minutes of your time to complete.  You should plan to complete the survey in one sitting, since questions and responses cannot be saved or accessed at a later time.  You don’t need to be a member to take the survey and your specific answers to will remain anonymous. 

Click here to take the survey now. The survey will remain open through at least January 31, 2010.

Arts & Business New Year's Networking Event


Join ABC/NY and the Midtown West Business Association for an evening of mixing, mingling, and making merry, with complimentary wine/beer/soft drinks and food.

Thursday, January 28
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Gossip, 739 Ninth Avenue (between 49th & 50th Streets)

ABC/NY members pay only $10, non-members $20.  RSVP to .

State Senator José M. Serrano Restores $250,000 to NYSCA


New York State’s Deficit Reduction Plan includes painful cuts, but Senator Serrano, Chair of the Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation Committee, has directed $250,000 of his discretionary funds back to the New York State Council on the Arts.

The following is taken from a statement issued by Senator Serrano on 12/08/09:
On Wednesday, December 2, 2009, Senator José M. Serrano (D- Manhattan/Bronx) and his Senate colleagues worked with Governor David Patterson to approve a bipartisan Deficit Reduction Plan (DRP) aiming to protect jobs, prevent tax hikes and save critical school funding. "Responsible cuts were necessary, but we were able to 'cut with care' by protecting funding for health care and education- without placing an additional burden on the taxpayer," said Serrano. "It is not necessary to sacrifice jobs, the education of our children, or the health of our communities in order to get back on sound fiscal footing."
As the Chair of the Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation Committee, Senator Serrano today discussed how the approved Deficit Reduction Plan will affect Arts, Tourism, and Parks agencies and organizations across New York State. "When budget cuts are made, Parks and the Arts are often among the first to be sacrificed. I am proud to say that although some cuts were necessary this year, we were able to maintain the budget for living museums intact, offset cuts to NYSCA with previously directed legislative grants, and kept the cuts on municipal parks down to 2 percent."

The New York State Council on The Arts' (NYSCA) budget had been restored to almost $4 million under Serrano's leadership as Chair of the Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks  Recreation Committee. The Deficit Reduction plan will cut $384,000 of NYSCA's funding. However, earlier this year Senator Serrano, in an unprecedented step, directed $250,000 of his discretionary funds back to NYSCA.
"Last year NYSCA endured painful cuts that affected many cultural organizations in the State of New York," said Serrano. "This year I directed $250,000 of my discretionary funds back to NYSCA. My hope is that this will offset some of the potential cuts to vital programs by important arts institutions. The arts have had a transformative effect on the communities of New York State, and when Arts institutions suffer all New Yorkers are negatively affected."

The Environmental Protection Fund (EPF), a fund that covers large, one-time purchases such as land for parks and historic preservations, received $212 million. New York State Living museums and Municipal Parks both receive funding from the EPF.

Zoos, Botanical Gardens, and Aquariums (Living Museums)
The Deficit Reduction Plan did not produce any cuts in the budget for the state's living museums, which are still receiving $9 million. "Although no cultural institution should endure cuts, living museums are especially susceptible to the effects of slashing the budget, due to the fact that the attractions they provide often require watering, feeding, and in many cases have medical needs." stated Serrano.
"These institutions provide countless jobs to members of our communities, and have valuable educational programming," said Serrano. "Living museums must not only be kept afloat, but allowed to thrive. As they flourish, so do the communities around them. I am very pleased that they are not experiencing any cuts under the DRP."

Click here to read the complete statement. 


"I Talk Because..."


Every 9 1/2 minutes, an American is infected with HIV. Open and honest conversations can help prevent new infections and decrease the stigma for those living with HIV/AIDS. NYC Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn and HIV/AIDS organizations across the five boroughs have launched a YouTube-based HIV/AIDS awareness campaign that will begin on World AIDS Day, December 1, and continue throughout the year.

The campaign, entitled “I Talk Because…”, features 60-second YouTube video clips of people talking about why it’s so important for them to discuss HIV/AIDS with the people in their lives. Community leaders, celebrities, and everyday people are encouraged to participate and upload their own testimonials. This campaign is designed to encourage dialogue about HIV/AIDS in New York City and beyond. People have already started to post their videos! .

For more information, please contact Erik Bottcher at Speaker Quinn's office at or .

Looking for Health Insurance Options?


NYC Health Insurance Link is a new website that lets individuals (including artists who are self-employed or work part-time) and small businesses (including arts organizations, including nonprofits) compare health plans sold by different health insurance carriers, associations, and purchasing alliances in New York City. The site also provides information on free and low-cost care, ways to make coverage more affordable, and health insurance basics. Learn about your health insurance options at

One of a Kind Holiday Shopping


The One of a Kind Show and Sale will feature the best in fine art and fine craft from hundreds of unique artists, artisans, and designers from across North America. Each item for sale at the show will be made by hand, one piece at a time, and every artist represented will be in attendance—offering shoppers the wonderful opportunity to buy pieces directly from the artist who created it and to support the independent artist community. The show will run from December 11–13, 2009, at Pier 94 (12th Ave. at 55th St.). Complimentary shuttle buses will run daily from Columbus Circle, and discount parking is available. To find out more, go to

ABC/NY has a limited number of complimentary admission passes for this show. To get your free pass, send an e-mail with "One of a Kind" in the subject line to business[at] by December 2, 2009.

Free Classes at the Foundation Center


The Foundation Center is offering a series of free classes to help you master foundation and corporate fundraising, proposal writing, and all that goes into getting grants and developing your fundraising plan. For a complete schedule, go to and check out the section on "Upcoming Free Classes."

Arts Member Survey Results


ABC/NY serves arts organizations of every size and discipline in every borough of New York City and, when possible, throughout New York state.  Check out our 2009 Arts Member Survey to find out more about our members, including arts disciplines, annual budget sizes, and locations served, as well as their top challenges and ABC/NY's most useful services.

ABC/NY’s arts members run the gamut from arts education to visual arts and include arts service, dance, historic preservation, literary, media, multidisciplinary, music, presenting, and theater organizations. View a breakdown of arts members by discipline.

Think ABC/NY only serves large arts organizations? Only very small ones? Mostly mid-size? Think again. View a breakdown of arts members by annual budget.

Location, location, location: More than half our arts members serve communities in the five boroughs of New York City. But our reach is far broader; In New York State, 24 percent of our arts members serve Long Island, 22 percent serve Westchester, and 32 percent serve other upstate communities.  Others serve New Jersey (24 percent) and Connecticut (17 percent). Write-in votes in the “Other” category include National, International, and even Alaska! View a breakdown of arts members by location(s) served.

The top challenges faced by our arts members include contributed income, earned income/other revenue, and board development.  ABC/NY can help with all of those—check out our professional development workshops and our board recruitment, training, and placement services.

Our arts members report that “matching my organization with potential board members” is the most useful membership benefit provided by ABC/NY, followed closely by “matching my arts organization with pro bono volunteers to work in professional areas such as marketing and planning.” ABC/NY is also highly valued by arts members for connecting arts organizations to businesses, to other arts organizations, and to arts management interns.

Find out what ABC/NY can do for your arts organizationjoin today!

NYC Nonprofit Support Staff Are Diverse - But What About Management?


New York City foundations and the nonprofit organizations they support do have racially diverse staffs—but this diversity decreases at higher levels of seniority. A new study conducted by the Foundation Center and Philanthropy New York, "Benchmarking Diversity," provides a factual basis for understanding diversity in the city's nonprofit and philanthropic sector.

Among the key findings, among 540 nonprofit organizations served:

  • More than half of their managerial and support staff are people of color (52 and 62 percent, respectively), as are 30 percent of chief executives and 33 percent of board members.
  • Over a third of the nonprofits identifying themselves as "minority-led organizations" do not have a chief executive who is a person of color, meaning that many such organizations are led by white CEOs. Some of the nonprofits with white CEOs chose to identify themselves as minority-led because at least half of their board members or staffs are people of color, but many identified themselves as such because they are led by women, immigrants, LGBT individuals, or people with disabilities.

Read a summary of the study or the complete survey results.

ABC/NY's Multicultural Arts Management Internship program, now entering its 11th year, promotes diversity in arts management careers and provides young people who have an interest in a career in either the arts or business with a hands-on introduction to work in the business fields of the nonprofit arts sector. Applications for interns, arts host organizations, and business mentors will be accepted starting in November 2009.

We're on Wikipedia!


Now you can read all about ABC/NY on, the web-based, free content encyclopedia.  Check out our listing here.  Want to add one of your own?  Guidelines and instructions are posted here.

An Intern's POV


Alba Jaramillo is a recent graduate of the New College of Florida with a bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts–Humanities and a 2009 intern at American Documentary, producers of the acclaimed PBS series POV. She writes about the intern site visit she coordinated for her fellow interns in ABC/NY's Multicultural Arts Management Internship program on the POV blog:

This summer, I was one of 11 college students chosen to participate in the Arts and Business Council (ABC) of New York's Multicultural Arts Management Internship Program. Sponsored by ConEdison, the internship program aims to promote diversity in the field of arts management by helping minority students obtain professional experience and make connections in the field. As an ABC intern at POV, I assisted with day-to-day operations, as well as with longer term projects associated with POV films. For the culmination of the internship, I — with the help of POV's Anne del Castillo (director of development) and Jessica Lee (outreach and development assistant) — coordinated a site visit for all of the ABC interns to POV on July 23rd, bringing interns from organizations like WNYC, Wave Hill, Theater Development Fund, Mark Morris Dance Company, Bronx Museum of Art, Museum of African Diaspora, Arts Free Arts and Queens Theater in the Park to the POV offices. Read the complete article here.

ABC/NY on the Radio


Cultural Tourism: Eat—Shop—Art
Listen to a podcast of a radio show featuring representatives from Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation, the Harlem Arts Alliance, Heart of Brooklyn - and ABC/NY!.

We call it “Cultural Tourism”: experience the culture of two delicious NYC neighborhoods, whether you’re a “tourist” from Beijing or Brooklyn. Good for you, good for the arts, good for business…good for the community. Featuring:

  • Will Maitland Weiss, Executive Director, Arts & Business Council of New York
  • Alessandra DiGiusto, Chief Administrative Officer, Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
  • Michael Unthank, Executive Director, Harlem Arts Alliance
  • Averlyn Archer, Program Director, Harlem Arts Alliance
  • Ellen F. Salpeter, Director, Heart of Brooklyn

ABC/NY is grateful to Let’s Travel! and its staff for this opportunity. Thanks to Catherine Perebinossoff, Senior Producer; Susan Raphael, Host and Founder; and Michael Zufolo, Executive Editor and Producer.

The Business/Arts Connection in Chenango


Executive Director Will Maitland Weiss will be the keynote speaker for the Chenango County Council on the Arts Business/Arts breakfast on August 21, 2009. Read about this event in Chenango County's Evening Sun, or visit the Chenango County Council on the Arts website for more information.

ABC/NY in the News


The blog The Clyde Fitch Report ("The Nexus of Arts and Politics") recently featured ABC/NY's workshop series.  Courtesy of the Arts and Business Council of New York, the Social Media and Board Development workshops are being offered in September for members and nonmembers.

Click here to see the post on The Clyde Fitch Report.

Courtesy of the Arts and Business Council of New York, the Social Media and Board Development workshops are being offered in September for members and nonmembers. Nonprofit organizations in particular might want to take advantage of the workshops: rates are relatively inexpensive, given the quality of information imparted.  Click here to register for the workshops!

Workshop on Social Media
Market smarter using Google and Facebook! There are free and inexpensive marketing tools out there that allow you to target and better understand your audiences. This session will focus on using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, and Facebook. Attendees will also have a chance to share their online marketing challenges when using social media.

Presenter: Erik Gensler, President, Capacity Interactive Inc.
Date: Tues., Sept. 15
Time: 6pm to 9pm
Place: LaGuardia Community College
E-Building (Room E-511)
31-10 Thomson Ave.
Long Island City, Queens
Investment: $45 ABC/NY Members; $75 non-members

Click here to register for this workshop.
Alternately, you can email to register.

Board Development Workshop
Learn about nonprofit arts board openings and find the one you might enjoy serving on.
Date: Wed., Sept. 16
Time: 5:30pm to 6:15pm
(Wine and cheese, 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.; introduction to arts groups)
Place: 1 E. 53rd Street
New York, NY
Investment: No cost, but reservations are required.

A select group of dance, film, fine arts, music, and theater organizations will tell you their stories. You can ask questions about roles and responsibilities, and give-or-get, learn about new companies, and decide whether now is the time for you to grow professionally while giving back to your community. Sip some wine, ask and listen, enjoy.


Be Entered to Win $100


ABC/NY strives to provide the best service to the most constituents during the ongoing recession. Help us help you as we evaluate our programs with a 10-question survey for staff of arts organizations. The survey may be completed anonymously and we thank for your time and opinions. And here’s a little incentive for you to respond NOW—if you can complete this survey by 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 14 (and provide your e-mail address), we will enter you in a drawing for a $100 American Express gift card.

Click here to take the survey.

Sincerely, Will, Fran, Karen, Vianey, & Selena

NEA Funds Are Stimulating


Last February, as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Congress gave $50 million to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Separate from the agency’s annual budget, the sum was designated for the creation and preservation of jobs at nonprofit arts groups suffering from the economic downturn. Roughly 40 percent of the money, or $20 million, was delivered last spring to 56 state and regional arts agencies to be distributed to groups in need. And on July 7, the NEA unveiled a sweeping list of 631 nonprofit arts organizations, in all 50 states, to which it would grant the rest of the money directly, in blocks of $25,000 and $50,000.  Leonard Jacobs of The Clyde Fitch Report explores how that money is being distributed, and the impact it’s having on arts organizations nationwide. Read the full article here.

American Recovery & Reinvestment Act


ABC/NY is one of 27 organizations statewide awarded funding by the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) through the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to preserve jobs that are threatened in the current economic downturn. The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has also awarded nearly $30 million in ARRA grants to 631 organizations nationwide. ABC/NY is grateful to NYSCA and the NEA for their support, and to Americans for the Arts and the national effort to include the arts as a vital part of the country’s whole economic stimulus plan.

Last Modified: 06/02/2010

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