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The Arts & Business Council of New York (ABC/NY) connects New York’s business community with the arts and entertainment industry, one of the largest sectors of New York City’s economy.

Membership Networking and Business Development
Professional Development Volunteer Development

Executive Director Will Maitland Weiss discusses attracting business talent by using the arts, building bridges between the arts and business, and the fact that the arts are also businesses.  (Clips courtesy of Let’s Travel Radio, May 14, 2009.)

Business membership gives you access to ABC/NY’s diverse and active community of artists, arts executives, board members and other volunteers, and businesspeople from across all sectors. Find out more or join now!

Networking and Business Development
ABC/NY provides opportunities for networking among arts and business professionals throughout the year.  Sign up for our e-mail list to find out about upcoming events.

The annual Encore Awards celebrate arts & business partnerships, creative business volunteers, and excellence in arts management.  Our audience comprises nonprofit arts executives, development and marketing directors, and business managers—the people who decide what to buy and whom to hire. They are joined by the businessmen and women who serve on their boards or assist them in other capacities and by members of the business community who recognize the value of supporting the arts. The Encore Awards event is a unique opportunity to expand your contacts and develop new business relationships.

Professional Development
The skills that make an effective arts manager also make an effective business manager. ABC/NY presents workshops, forums, and other programs that provide practical training in marketing and management.  Serve as a panelist/presenter, share your expertise, and hone your public speaking skills!  Come share and learn best practices.

Volunteer Development
Want to use your business skills to help an arts organization? If you are a business professional with a passion for the arts, or a company seeking to involve your employees in the arts, then ABC/NY can match you with targeted, project-focused opportunities to lend your time and expertise to New York’s cultural community. 

ABC/NY also provides training/placement for employees who are interested in serving on nonprofit arts boards and helps build the leadership skills of employees who are currently arts board members.


Last Modified: 11/05/2009

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