The Arts & Business Council of New York seeks to train the next generation of arts leaders. Programs are structured for college undergraduates, emerging arts leaders, and mid-career arts administrators.
Arts Leadership Institute
ABC/NY offers executive education for mid-career arts managers. Sessions build managerial skills (financial, fundraising, outreach, board development/governance) and leadership competencies (self assessment, delegation, giving/getting feedback, team- and consensus-building, time management). Current managers working toward executive positions, new executives refining their skills, and management entrepreneurs seeking institutional leadership roles are all encouraged to apply.
Emerging Leaders of New York Arts
Emerging Leaders of New York Arts aims to bring together local, young arts administrators to discuss challenges specific to our field and generation.
Multicultural Arts Management Internship Program
The Arts & Business Council of New York introduces college students to career opportunities in arts management. Each summer, a select group of undergraduates are matched with New York arts organizations and with business mentors to complete project-based internships.
Internships at ABC/NY Internships at ABC/NY are available to undergraduate and graduate students and to recent graduates interested in starting their careers in the business of the arts. Typically offered during the fall and winter/spring academic semesters, internships can be part-time or full time. Scheduling is flexible, but intern candidates should be prepared to commit to a time period of at least ten weeks.